Every year, there is a big event for all of the employees working for TOTIME both in China and Japan to gather in this beautiful city Dalian, China. This year in July, we had a golf party at one of the golf parks in Dalian!
It was a bit cloudy day but we all enjoyed so much fun of golf and talks as well as games among this big TOTIME family. Everyone was excited and happy about this annual party. We are undoubtedly one of the fastest growing companies in China in this cutting tools business as we have more and more excellent employees to join us. In our company, employees would feel that they are more than just employees because they are also treated as members in this big family.

There is so much to learn about Golf. It is more than just a sport.
We offered a great chance for every employees to experience gold culture in this club. It is more than competition in Golf. There is more to be discovered!